

Dear friends!

An integral part of the project is to meet the needs of AEROHELP general public in obtaining new knowledge in the field of legal regulation of relations in the field of aviation, as well as the provision of qualified legal assistance in the application and interpretation of acts of air legislation in Russia, Ukraine and other countries.

To perform this task, we created a private educational institution of additional professional education Institute of Air and Space Law AEROHELP, which is the union of lawyers who specialize in providing services in the field of human subjects of aviation activities, as well as persons who entered with them into legal relations.

The purpose of the Institute AEROHELP is educational activities for the implementation of additional professional programs in the field of aviation, as well as in the use of airspace and outer space (training programs and retraining programs).

The Institute has a license to carry out educational activities №4256, 27.10.2020 issued by the Education Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg.

Almost all the teachers and experts of the Institute of Air and Space Law AEROHELP have a law degree, and many of them are also teachers acting industry and law schools around the world. Internal standard of the Institute is the presence of specialists master's degree or professional rights, candidate or PhD. Some have the status of a lawyer.

Popularization of scientific approach to understanding the social processes in the field of aviation involves dissemination of legal knowledge among the population, improving its educational and cultural level. Among the priorities of the Institute is the organization and holding of exhibitions, conferences, congresses, forums, symposiums, roundtables, seminars, charity events, concerts, festivals, competitions and other activities to promote the development of science and air law (including aviation law), international air law, air law of foreign countries.

I am confident that we are waiting for fruitful cooperetion! Director of the Institute Oleg Aksamentov.

