Shnyrev Andrey

Expert in air law and safety, Ph.D.
莫斯科 (俄罗斯)
Andrey Shnyrev


In 1990 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze (now Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)) with a degree in Aircraft Engineering.

In 2006 at the Moscow Aviation Institute he defended his thesis for the degree of Ph.D. of technical sciences in the specialty "Design, construction and production of aircraft" on the topic "Development of a method for determining the rational design parameters of an agricultural aircraft".


From 1992 to 2003 he worked in the Federation of Aviation Amateurs of Russia (now the Federation of General Aviation of Russia) as an aircraft operation engineer, chief engineer. He organized the maintenance of the airworthiness of amateur aircraft, the solution of other issues of flight safety, participated in the investigation of aviation accidents. He supervised the restoration of historical aircraft LI-2, Il-14, Yak-18A and Mig-15UTI to flight condition. The restoration work of the Li-2 was awarded with the Phoenix Diploma of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI, World Air Sports Federation).

From 2003 to 2008, he held various positions in the State Civil Aviation Administration of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and in the Federal Authority for Transport Oversight, was responsible for supervision in the field of general aviation and for training of the aviation personnel.

From 2008 to 2018, he served as Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation, organized the development of regulatory legal acts regulating activities in civil aviation. He was directly involved in the development of drafts of the Federal Laws and Federal Aviation Regulations that implement the International Standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which have become the basis of the modern air legislation of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, 2014 and 2015, he was responsible for conducting inspections by ICAO experts of the organization of flight safety oversight in the Russian Federation, as a result of which a high level of compliance of the air legislation of the Russian Federation with International Standards and ICAO Recommended Practices was demonstrated.

From 2018 to 2021, he served as Deputy Head of the Federal Authority for Transport Oversight (Rostransnadzor). The main responsibilities included the organization and control of the implementation of control (supervision) functions in the field of civil aviation, as well as in the field of transport security (in all modes of transport).

In 2005 for services in the development of the transport complex of Russia and in connection with the professional holiday Day of the Air Fleet of Russia, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

In 2009, he was awarded the anniversary badge "In Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Administration of Water and Land Communications".

In 2015, for his great personal contribution to the activities of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and exemplary performance of official duties, he was awarded the badge "Excellence in Air Transport".

In 2021, gratitude of the head of Rostransnadzor was announced for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism and contribution to the organization of control and supervisory activities.

Current State Councillor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

He is a full member of the Royal Aeronautical Society (UK) and an ICAO expert.

Shibaev V, Shnyrev A, Bunya V. Unmanned aviation systems: flight safety and critical factors [In Russian]. Aerospace courier. 2011; 1(73): 55-57.
Алёшин Б.С., Суханов В.Л., Шибаев В.М., Шнырев А.Г. Состояние дел и перспективы развития комплексов с беспилотными летательными аппаратами в России. Межотраслевой альманах "Деловая слава России" № 3 (46), 2014.
Алешин Б.С., Суханов В.Л., Шнырев А.Г., Шибаев В.М. Перспективы развития комплексов с беспилотными летательными аппаратами на период до 2025 года. Журнал "Аэрокосмический курьер" №5, 2012, с.51-57.
Жуков С.А., Шнырев А.Г. Применение беспилотных авиационных систем в экономике. Журнал "АвиаСоюз", июнь-июль 2021, №3 (86).
Шибаев В.М., Шнырев А.Г., Буня В.М. Беспилотные авиационные системы: безопасность полетов и критические факторы. Журнал "Аэрокосмический курьер" №1, 2011, (73), с.55-57.
Шнырев А.Г. Значение правил и норм для поддержания годности к полетам воздушных судов авиации общего назначения. Журнал "Транспорт Российской Федерации" №5 (48), 2013.
Шнырев А.Г. О зарубежных специальных требованиях к самолетам для авиахимработ. – Научный вестник МГТУ ГА. 2002, № 53.- с.118-125.
Шнырев А.Г. О методике определения проектных параметров самолета для применения в сельском хозяйстве - Экономика и производство. (электронная версия) – 2006, №11.
Шнырев А.Г. О новых правилах проверки знаний и навыков претендентов на получение свидетельств специалистов гражданской авиации. Журнал "Транспорт Российской Федерации" №6 (49), 2013.

Курсы эксперта

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  • Andrey Shnyrev
    Shnyrev Andrey
  • Pai Zheng
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  • Mia Wouters
  • Andrea Trimarchi
  • Afanasiy Tomtosov
    Tomtosov Afanasy
  • Attila Sipos
  • Ксения Шункова
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  • Oleg Aksamentov
  • Ekaterina Samorodova
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  • Berin Ridjanovic
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  • Laura Pierallini
  • Сорана Паун-Поп
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  • Ridha Aditya Nugraha
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  • Kristina Mozgovaya
    Mozgovaya Kristina
  • Pablo Mendes de Leon
    Mendes de Leon Pablo
  • Masutti Anna
    Masutti Anna
  • Sergey Kovalevskiy
    Kovalevskiy Sergey
  • Анжела Александровна Коновалова
    Konovalova Angela
  • Konert Anna
    Konert Anna
  • Olga Koloshich
    Koloshich Olga
  • Зафиг Халилов
    Khalilov Zafig Zakir Oglu
  • Oksana Sukhorukova
    Sukhorukova Oksana
  • Lale Selamoglu Kaplan
    Kaplan Lale Selamoglu
  • Honnebier
    Honnebier B. Patrick
  • Chrystel Erotokritou
  • P. Nikolai Ehlers
    Ehlers P. Nikolai
  • Sergey Detenyshev
    Detenyshev Sergey


    Продолжительность обучения: 9 hours

    • Olga Antonova
      Antonova Olga
    • Andrey Shnyrev
      Shnyrev Andrey
    • Oleg Aksamentov
    • Olga Koloshich
      Koloshich Olga


      Продолжительность обучения: 3 days - 24 hours

      • Olga Antonova
        Antonova Olga
      • Andrey Shnyrev
        Shnyrev Andrey
      • Oleg Aksamentov

        Current issues of air law

        Продолжительность обучения: 24 hours