Mozgovaya Kristina

Expert in revenue management of commercial operator, Ph.D.
Prague (Czech Republic)
Kristina Mozgovaya


In 2009 graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, majoring in "Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling". Qualified as "engineer-mathematician."

In 2009 graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, majoring in "Financial Management and Entrepreneurship." Awarded the qualification "economist-manager."

From 2009 to 2013 was trained in internal postgraduate study of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) in the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Economic-Mathematical Methods.

In 2013 defended her thesis on the topic: "Mathematical modeling-limit sales in airline revenue management." Awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences (specialty 08.00.13).

In 2008, an intern in the Summer School "Hydrodynamics of high-speed vessels. WIG ", Palermo (Sicily).

Teaching activity: 

From September 2011 to 2017  Lecturer, Department of Economics National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. Courses taught: microeconomics, macroeconomics.

Other Activities: 

In 2009-2010, revenue management expert of airline commercial management of State Transport Company "Russia". Responsibilities: implementation of automated revenue management systems for airlines. Maximizing the profitability of passenger traffic in the air line, the evaluation of the financial condition of the air line, line yield prediction calculation flights, depending on the type of aircraft, marketing analysis of the overhead line. Formation of the sales policy to an overhead line, negotiate and conclude contracts with travel agencies, monitoring of competitors.

In 2012 she was awarded the diploma of the winner grants St. Petersburg for students, graduate students, young scientists, young PhD 2012. Project Title: "Above-limit sales in the airline revenue management."

In 2015 she became the winner of the Boris Ovsievich award. The Council decided to award a third prize award for 2014 Christine Brain (Department of Economics HSE St. Petersburg) for her work "Mathematical modeling-limit sales in airline revenue management." Every year, starting in 2005, the St. Petersburg Scientific Center, RAS, St. Petersburg Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg EMR), Foundation for the Support of Education and Science (Alferov Foundation) and the Leontief Centre is awarded the prize for young economists for fundamental economic and mathematical studies performed in Russia.

Мозговая К.А. Применение стратегии сверхлимитного бронирования в условиях существующей регламентации авиаперевозок// Известия РГПУ им. Герцена. – 2013. - №154.
Мозговая К.А. Финансово-экономическое обоснование при изменении правового регулирования сверхлимитных продаж (овербукинга).// ПЯТАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ПО ВОЗДУШНОМУ ПРАВУ. Научно-практическая конференция: Сборник докладов/ Университет ГА С.-Петербург, 2015 - С.
Мозговая К.А. Экономико-математические исследования: математические модели и информационные технологии// Материалы Всероссийской конференции 21-23 октября 2013, СПб экономико-математический институт РАН, 2013.
Мозговая К.А., Носова Е.В. Необходимость управления доходами авиакомпании и назначение стратегии продажи билетов с учетом сверхлимитной вместимости на рейсе // «Финансы и бизнес», ООО «Издательство Проспект», Москва, 2012.
Мозговая К.А., Фридман Г.М., Яблочкина М.В. Численный анализ влияния точности прогноза пассажирского спроса на эффективность продаж авиабилетов с учетом сверхлимитного бронирования // Научно-технический вестник СПбГУ ИТМО №6, 2011.

Expert courses

  • M. Cem Artekin
    Artekin Mustafa Cem
  • Nadezhda Dolzhenko
    Dolzhenko Nadezhda
  • Andrey Shnyrev
    Shnyrev Andrey
  • Ekaterina Samorodova
    Samorodova Ekaterina
  • Mia Wouters
    Wouters Mia
  • Masutti Anna
    Masutti Anna
  • Lale Selamoglu Kaplan
    Kaplan Lale Selamoglu
  • Pai Zheng
    Zheng Pai
  • Olga Koloshich
    Koloshich Olga
  • Andrea Trimarchi
    Trimarchi Andrea
  • Аттила Сипос
    Sipos Attila
  • Chrystel Erotokritou
    Erotokritou Chrystel
  • Pablo Mendes de Leon
    Mendes de Leon Pablo
  • Ridha Aditya Nugraha
    Nugraha Ridha Aditya
  • Laura Pierallini
    Pierallini Laura
  • Berin Ridjanovic
    Ridjanovic Berin
  • Afanasiy Tomtosov
    Tomtosov Afanasy
  • Ксения Шункова
    Shunkova Ksenia
  • Николай Элерс
    Ehlers P. Nikolai
  • Konert Anna
    Konert Anna
  • Oksana Karpacheva
    Karpacheva Oksana
  • Sergey Kovalevskiy
    Kovalevskiy Sergey
  • Анжела Александровна Коновалова
    Konovalova Angela
  • Зафиг Халилов
    Khalilov Zafig Zakir Oglu
  • Honnebier
    Honnebier B. Patrick
  • Kristina Mozgovaya
    Mozgovaya Kristina
  • Sergey Detenyshev
    Detenyshev Sergey
  • Сорана Паун-Поп
    Paun-Pop Sorana
  • Oleg Aksamentov
    Aksamentov Oleg

    The 13th Air Law Conference in Dubai

    Training duration: 9 hours

    • Anna Pirog
      Pirog Anna
    • Kristina Mozgovaya
      Mozgovaya Kristina
    • Gregory Pomerantsev
      Pomerantsev Gregory
      Advanced training

      Strategies of marketing, sales and resource management of airline

      Training duration: 24 hours

      • Anna Pirog
        Pirog Anna
      • Kristina Mozgovaya
        Mozgovaya Kristina
      • Gregory Pomerantsev
        Pomerantsev Gregory

        • Anna Pirog
          Pirog Anna
        • Kristina Mozgovaya
          Mozgovaya Kristina
          Advanced training

          Revenue management of air carrier

          Training duration: 16 hours