
General approach to European Civil Aviation Regulations

    Cource leads

    Learning objectives: 

    The European Union has progressiveley extended the competences of the European Aviation Safety Agency and has developed in the several stages the Single European Sky Infrastrcture. The regulations governing the establishment and functioning of EASA and the Single European Sky framework are currently under revison with the aim to respond to current challenges civil aviation raises. The main learning objectives are: Awarness of the EU regulatory framework and its decision making process in civil aviation; Understanding the EASA Basic Regulation, EASA functions and competences and the roles and responsibilities of various players in civil aviation (ICAO, CAA’s, ATM/AND providers, operators etc); Understand the main pillars of the  SES Framework; Know and understand what are the stakeholders involved and who does what; Ability to explain the following concepts: separation of oversight and service provider; subsidiarity; mutual recognition; mandate; difference between service and function; certification; airspace concepts; Main provisions of the EASA and SES packages; Identify the upcoming challenges and risks.

    leasing and insurance companies staff
    teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions
    teachers of aviation training centres
    senior management of civil aviation
    practicing lawyers and attorneys
    managers of airports
    specialists of contract departments and legal services
    specialists in air traffic control
    state civil servants competent authority
    Thematic plan: 
    • The EU regulation framework and the descison making process
    • EASA Basic Regulation – Introduction
    • EASA Rulemaking Process
    • Challenges of the new EASA Basic Regulation Proposal
    • Introduction to SES
    • Who does what within the SES framework
    • SES concepts
    • Aplicability of SES
    • Content of SES Legislation
    • SES II – Overview
    • New SES II+ Proposal
    At the end of training: 
    seminar certificate
    Form of study: 
    panel discussion
    certification is not provided

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      The 13th Air Law Conference in Dubai

      Training duration: 9 hours